Who are you? - 07.11.2021
Who are you? You, the one who has been in my dreams. I know your name but i don't know who you are. Whose eyes was I dreaming through in my sleep and how lucky she must have been.
In the dream years ago, we were sitting in the lawn of a house, with tea on the table. We were married. You were still pursuing some study or where you working on some papers, i have no idea. I couldnt make out your face. I dont know who you are. But I felt loved by you. I feel like i'm in love with my "husband"
In the dream last night, i married you. My immediate families were there, all around me. My little cousins, my cousins and aunts were all present. And then we gor married somehow and ended up going for our honeymoon. I knew I was excited because now that we are 'halal' i'm able to hold your hand. I was looking for you all over and wanted to surprise you by holding your hand first. But i couldnt find you. So I sat down at a dining table. And you cam from behind me, you brushed my hair from the front until the back. It felt so real. And once again, I felt so loved. I know you looked at me with such loving eyes. I could remember that feel I had in that dream. You were someone soft, polite and gentle. The same name as the one I used to dream about and the same aura. I remember in the dream we were video calling your mum and we were telling her about our honeymoon and how you looked at me and smile with so much grace that I felt so so so happy and blessed.
But who are you? I know your name, your aura. But I don't know your face or who you are.
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