Hello strangers, well changed my skin! Yay! Previously skin was bright and colourful right? Now it's dark... Lol. No, it's not because i'm feeling dark or what, i just think that my eyes hurt everytime i see a bright skin in the middle of the night. Nyeheh. Lame? I know :D Tomorrow is monday. And it's date is 22022010 hmm, and it spells?
C O M M O N T E S T. Shyte. :/ I'm not ready!!! Argh! And i'm still on the comp? Die. Wish me luck lah eh? And monday spells
S C H O O L too right? And school spells,
S U C K S. YAY! wow. kay i'm done doing spelling. My post spells
L A M E! Kay amal, crap. Bye Strangers!


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