MNBMA - 23.09.2020
Sayang, I miss those days you showed you care. I miss those days you cling on to me and always wants to know my whereabouts. I miss those days you sulk when I don't update you about my whereabouts. Truly sayang, I miss my partner whom I fell for dearly and deeply in the beginning. I miss those days you would let me watch you eat and we would tease each other until u almost choke yourself. I miss all the good times, the happy days. It is not even the physical touch that I miss... therefore it is not lust... I miss you, you.
Today, I felt like i've lost you...
You no longer call me "sayang, ayg, b, bb, babyboo, bakal isteriku, isteriku" all those you used to call me. You no longer say the nice things that you always say as a form of doa for us. I felt like i've lost my partner as a whole sayang..
Ya Allah, please return him to how he used to be. Sekiranya dia ikhlas dan masih sayang kan aku, aku mohon Ya Allah, kau kembalikanlah perasaan kasih sayang dia terhadap aku. Sesungguhnya aku rindu Ya Allah.
Sayang, I love you and I miss you.. I really do.
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