I'm getting immune to you. One text message. One missed call. And you always think it's enough to show that you care. The difference in treatment is extremely huge and you tell me i'm important too. You don't have to lie. You sucks at lying. I could the lie in your face and in your eyes. You're not confused. You just want to make full use of me while i'm around. You don't really need me. And when you don't get my attention, you'd tweet as if something bad happened! Cause you know i read it. But i'm smart enough to have a blog. I'm smart enough to bitch about you here. Because i know, that if i let it out on twitter, you'd blew up. I've gone down to be really immune. I couldn't even care about you being upset anymore. Because it is always for the reason, same person. You've taken me for granted. You took my presence for granted. You think it's fair huh? Because you are going through your "heartbreak" that i have to be nice always, patient always. You know what's the difference between me and her? She doesn't have to fight for her place! But i do! Which just hurts my pride. Not a little. But a fucking huge hurtful moment. Why do i have to stoop so low?!? KAU PIKIR AKU TAKDE MARUAH PE ASIK NAK KENE JADI POMPAN SIMPAN KAU?! You're not even proud to be around me. Oh yes, i'm fat and ugly. I know. And shit you for taking advantage of me! My eyes are full of hatred towards you! You think you're too good because i'm fighting for you with you! SHIT YOU MAN! SHIT YOU !


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