You've lost it. Whoever who comes out with the "if a man cries for a woman, it means he really loves her" shit didn't really explain everything well. I believe that this applies to MAN not BOYS. Meh. You see, if you consider yourself a MAN, you wouldn't be touching a WOMAN. Especially when you have a religion. My dear friend, only BOYS touched a girl an cried after that. And i believe this statement is only for those who don't cry over little things.

And since you kept crying FOR HER, you know what? You've lost your charm. I used to think that you cried in your prayers because you were afraid of akhirat. I used to think that you cried in your prayers because you wanted so much forgiveness from Allah. I used to think that you cried in your prayers because you're ashamed of your sins in Allah's eyes and you want Allah to love you back.

But i was wrong. The more i know, the more i listen to what you say, the more i see you cry, the more hateful you are in my eyes. Guys who cried for Allah is charming but not guys who cried for another girl. Especially when you kept mentioning death at times when you ade upset. You forgot Allah. You'd rather die for her not die because you want to see Allah. Not die because you want to go back to Allah because you love Allah. I am no where near pious but i do know that it is wrong to die for a wrong cause. I may not be perfect in my prayers. I may not be good in my Quran reading, but i do know i have a religion. And i do know that we all have to repent someday.

I just hope one day Allah will make you see what life truely is about. It's not just about some stupid girl you love with her stupid bunch of friends. There are other people out there who cried because they lost an arm, lost a leg. But you cried because you lost a stupid girl who you took advantage of. You are not as pious as i thought you were. You've lost it all bro. The only reason why i'm staying this time is because i do not want you to be left astray from Allah. And that is, my promise.


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