Look at how long i've abandon this blog?
Well well last post is in November.
And today is 21 January 2012 :O
My my my ...

Well, let's see, life has been great even though there's a lot of ups and downs.
Yeah that's life right?

Let me just share my "timeline" HUHU HAHA HEHE

So first of all, these kids down here are my Year 1 Semester 2 bunch of cliques. Well excluding that chinese looking guy down there. The class clown, most annoying person, yes him. These girls are made up of different character, well much different than the girls I have in E24K. In E24K, most of us have the same character, well MAJORITY at least. I shall group them as RP1.2 HAHA! Because I know them in RP, year ONE point semester TWO. So I'll call them RP1.2. E24K stays as E24K ! Heh.

So anyways......
24November 2011

So on 24 November 2011, AS USUAL, my birthday. It was the first time celebrating it in school with my classmates ! Well since my birthday always falls on a holiday, I usually celebrate it at home with my parents or family. However, in 2010, it was awesome because on 24 November i celebrate it during Red Camp 7 ( I swear this was the best moments of my life, I could never forget ^^) And this year, it was with my Year 1 Semester 2 classmates. It wasn't a big party or anything, just a simple cake, and I'm satisfied with it. Thanks to these girls down here for everything. Cake and smash. Pfft. It was my first EVER cake smash. I smelt so sweet and cocoa-y on that day LOL!

So these girls were good people okay ! And I hang out with them in school :) They're nice and cuddly and lovely and full of different characters. Some are warm, some are filled with spice while others just a normal teenage lady. This was taken during our Drawing Module Field trip two months back in November I suppose =/

Oh and see that camera i'm holding? It was my 18th birthday present from my parents ! I officially own a personal camera :) Olympus brand but good enough for me. I appreciate.

And then recently was E24K's ZOO TRIP :) Oh yesh ! The rest couldn't make it due to work and bla bla bla . LOL. But it was though ! We're gonna have a chalet soon and I hope I could go :)

Soo, 2 more weeks till the end of RP1.2. I'll be reaching RP2.1 soon. Hmm.. few more months. It seems like everyone is getting old. How I wish I've not YET reached this stage. One more year and I am 20. Life full of sins. Still have yet to repent. Sometimes I wonder, how my afterlife would be with all this sins I carry with me. I'm very sure its not pleasant. At the same time, I'm afraid and wish for a better afterlife. Ya Allah.

Scrap that aside. It's between me and Allah. WOOH. It's CNY ! And i'm working my ass off in NS starting today! It's gonna get busy like Christmas and New year ! It was a hectic and crazy and damn scary days ! Worked till we got tired. Worked till there's fights. Hah. I'm prepared this time. I think... Hmm. Well it sure will get chaotic this CNY! But I'm prepared to face the guest. Well, just a tip for some people, DO NOT GO TO TOURIST ATTRACTION PLACES DURING OFFICIAL PUBLIC HOLIDAYS. I swear you're just testing your own patience. Well, I'm saying this because it helps you save your money and time. And for those Singaporeans who came, come on, you people came and STOMP us for the waiting time? BOOOOOO. Poor judgemental skills. Pfft.

And so, I suppose I should update my blog often right? I'LL TRY. If i'm not busy? HAHA ! But anyhoots, I will someday, somehow :)

Roger that?

Adios for now ;)


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