It has been a crazy week at school and work and IG's. Yes IG's. As i said, i joined Republic Polytechnic Wind Symphony and Studio IG. Everyday is a different day recently. Facing things i've never faced before. Last thursday was a clash of Studio , RPWS and WORK. OMG! I didn't know i was working on thursday. Like seriously. I've been mixing my work schedule and have been screwing my week. I went for studio, then after that went for RPWS. I didn't know i had work on that day. After RPWS ended, i got a call from work asking why i didn't attend. Even so, i ended the week with a good note. I guess. I don't want another screwed week. Please. It's so hard and rushing. Even though i love to keep myself busy. But having clash events is so a NO NO. I've been enjoying RPWS. I got back my fingerings so far. But i have to work on my running notes. As usual. Well, had my eyes on one of my band member. But i guess i have to let go? Well, it's just not me to stick to liking just one person right? Hell yea! But for me to love, i only love one person. But yet again, my shrek has yet to find it's fiona. Who is fiona? ME! While everyone else wants to be a beautiful princess waiting for their prince charming, i want to be a fiona who is waiting for shrek. Don't ask me why. I have my reasons. I'm perfect in my own way. It's me who define who i am. I want a shrek who is perfect in his own way. It may not be perfect in my eyes or in other people's eyes. But as long as he's perfect to himself, I'm fine with it. Woah this is a side track. HEE. Anyway, life is a rush. And i seriously need my notebook okay ! I realise that writing it down is much simpler. Okay, I'm so going to have to go to Popular.
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