I feel like saying a few things. Well it's my blog. Who cares anyway what i write. I don't write for money. So it's fine. It doesn't matter what i write anyway. It's just my personal views. Anyone else who has a different view from mine, that' their problem. There's no right answers to views and assumption. Well that's what i learnt in class today anyway. Plus, I was reading my post for the past few months and it looks like my english was severely atrocious. Like wow. Have not been writing essays for 4 months, and here's the result. So it is true when teachers say, "Practice makes perfect". Even though you hate school you can't help but agree to that you know. Because it's true. If it's not, than you may be some kind of genius who was born with the brains. So typing in my thoughts while i'm still thinking about it is a good practice to get my english back on track. I don't get a B3 for nothing. It will all go to waste if I just let it pass.
Anyway, the real deal is this, Initially i wanted to do psychology. Because that's my interest. Well i do have a lot of dreams. Like i said in the post somewhere in January? I think. Oh well. I shall list them down again? No. Since I'm already in New Media, it means that one of my dreams has been fulfilled. Well not fully but partly. My dream of being involved in the media industry is being fulfilled right now and in the process to. However which part of the media industry? Now that's the problem. But it doesn't matter. I'll figure a way out soon. There's a lot of doors in the world. Keep opening and venture out. That's my game. So anyway, one of my interest is well yeah, Psychology. Recently I've been observing a workmate and maybe some other strangers while i was on the train or waiting for the bus at interchange on my way to work. It's very interesting if you were to sit at a place and just look around you. You'll see different types of people that you can't believe they exist. Well, i observe more when i was at work. But I would like to narrow down to a certain type of people. The reserved people. I have yet to "master" a way to approach these types of people. As the name suggest, they are quite reserved. It's going to be hard to communicate with them unless if we know their soft sides. But sometimes that won't work. Sometimes they would only open up to people they are comfortable with. So these two factors are the only ones i've observed so far. I'm very sure there are other ways to approach them. I shall find out. But what i could not understand is, what made them that way? I'm more interested in what makes them that way rather than how to approach them. Because what makes them that way makes me more curious then ever. Some people may be born that way because their parents taught them that way? Maybe. They are kind of reserved for some reasons. I wanted to know what those reasons are. I don't want to read up. No. I'm not lazy. It's just, I'm a person who likes to self-study. I study with my eyes, ears, nose and mouth. I'm a person who observes and learn. I'm not someone who could memorize a 50 page long of information. I'm observant. I look, i learn, i do. Well in this case i have nothing for me to do.
Another observation i made is, Parents life do affect a child's life. Let's take into consideration a scenario i was in when i was working over at Night Safari. A group of family was on it's way to the tram station. When i wanted to check all their tickets, the man said, "No, only one person. Only my father." So the man , apparently he's about 60 years of age, gave me his ticket and wait for the tram at the tram station. While his son, his son's wife, his son's kids went off for a walk. Another scenario is not what i experienced but i was told about which i hope i would experience it one day is, a family of three came by at Night Safari. A father, mother and a child in the pram. When the tram arrives, The father said to one of our staffs, "sir sir, can your take care of my pram? Can i just put here?" Our staff replied, "No. You have to bring it with you!" If the tram was empty, we would have kept it for him. But no. He wanted to leave both his child and the pram at the tram station.
Now let's look at the point of view of how a parent's life affect their child. If parents treat their child, as much as they want to be treated, when they grow old, their child will treat them as much as their child wants to be treated. Simple enough? Yes. I've made more observation but this is not the conclusion. I'd just write my thoughts out. My link is , "heartsandthoughts" for a reason. Because it's written from the heart, after much thinking. Go figure.
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