Ever since 24 November 2010, my life has been revolving around talking to people from Red Camp 7 which includes some Student Leaders. But i am not just socializing with people from Spartans (My Tribe) but also those from different tribes such as Ninjas. I've yet to socialize with people from Apaches. They are nice people and some even seems so close even though we just met during the camp. There's this kind of comfort that we share between us just by going to that camp. Some were pouring their hearts out on Facebook. And us the rest who doesn't even know them comforted each other. And cupid's visit during the camp was awesome ! MSBHS found his song of nightingale. MIBM found I don't know a lot of ladies haha ! Miss J found DS. But me? Well i do found someone i admire during the camp. A simple crush maybe? It's impossible for me to make a guy fall for me. So I'm just here shaking my leg watching, listening and just entertaining this 3 people including the sheep boy with their love life :)

Today i went for my check up at KKH. Goodness. The doctor inserted a scope into my nose after he made my nose and throat numb. While he inserted the scope, it felt like a long worm enters your nose and into your throat. Even though its numb, but i still could feel it going into my nose and throat. The feeling just sucks. And so, the doctor said something about me having to spray my nose with the nose sensitivity spray. But the worst part is he spotted my tonsils to be big. A normal tonsil would be of the size 1-2 while a big one is around 3-4 .. So mine is the 3-4 category.. Well partly also because I'm FAT and i need to loose some weight before the tonsils block away my breathing passage. So yes. I need to do something. Or else i have to go for an operation to get it removed.. I don't want that to happen. As long as I'm breathing I would pray to Allah that I don't have to undergo such horrible operations. Unless if it is a threat to my life.

Since Red Camp 7 is over, i have no more event to wait upon. And I'm getting a little tired and bored sitting at home. Everyone else is working. But hey, there are some who are not. Anyways, i want to be off playing badminton and out for movie marathon with tuition mates pretty please !!! ^^ I want to have some fun. Tomorrow or rather, today, there is a 3C(2009) and 4C(2010) outing at Sentosa. I wanted to go but on second thought, Miss N is not going, so there will be fun i suppose but not many people attending also... So I'm not going.

You see, someone took away my heart when i attended Red Camp 7. He's a student leader. Well, looking at the way he smile and all, he reminds me of an innocent child who knows nothing about the world except fun. I like it that way because when i think of a little child it reminds me of happiness and i reminisce my happy childhood days. So yes, that's the reason why i fall for him. He may not have MSBHS's smile or brains.. But he's special the way he is :)


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