Blog mono eh? HAHA! mampus. Kay, aku penat nk jadi sedih, obviously AMOL tak boley buat sad face :( KAN? Oh speaking of which, my one and only GIRL JUNIOR[sec one], just called me, "JOKER FACE" yesterday... Best kan title yang dia bagi kat aku? Busted punyerh junior. Aku ajar, dier ketawe. Makan Hati cekik darah sungguh ini anak. And Last night, was a BANG! kan kan kan korang? Thanks to , zikri, zamri, halim, lagy satu aku luperh name dierh, sorry eh tution mate, aku ketawe peh rabak sampai perut terkeluar. Baik punyerh mate. Tee Hee! Oh and, TELINGA AKU DAH TAK BLOCK DOOOOHHHHHH!!!!! I can finally listen to how loud my voice is when i'm talking YAY! and i think i'm recovering from my cough soon? Cause ibu bought Vitamin C for me! Weee~~ sekarang aku kekenyangan, sobab my mother masakkan lontong dengan sambal tumis, guess what? IKAN BILIS. =.= Pfft. Oh and i wonda, siape eh orang yng tag kt tagB aku yng bername, "........" no, itu bukan name eh ? its just dots. Nyey. Siape agaknye yang dah jumpe blog aku nie? hmm..oh well, blog aku, thoughts aku. nak comment, pandai pandai. So long strangers on earth!


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