Hey there residence of earth. Flies are starting gather up at my blog aye? Not that i don't have anything to say it's just i have not been getting the chance to hold this little laptop of mine. Geez. Been doing homework and building that fire inside of me. I just hope it won't be put out by some things that's going to distract my attention. I'm really trying to kick the lazyness of my ass. I get kinda upset seeing Sue, Naz and Tash's result. I know i am at their standard. That is if i don't work hard. But if i do? Who knows what will happen. Only Allah knows what i'm thinking and feeling. I'm really trying. I don't want things to end up unexpectedly. I really really want to graduate, get out of the school, get to a poly i like, do something i'm interested in. Who doesn't? F&N coursework task part A's question is now out. And i'm confident in doing task 2, I think. I hope. I hope my brain will flush in a lot of ideas running not stopping. Cause i really need it this year. Please brain, please help me this time. Don't doze off.
Had just talked to DRfbr.
I say things, because i care. At least, throw your ego and try to think about what i said, with you heart. I'm always thinking different from others. That is why im always thinking differently and expressing my thoughts. I really think that people should think about their actions, get advise and think more than twice.. Not even thrice, but a zillion times if we must. Sometimes our actions today makes us regret our whole lifes. And sometimes, there are great people around us but we never once did treasure them. But one day, when we are down, when we really fall, when that person is gone, that's the moment we will say to ourself "Hey it's true what he/she once said.I wished i had listen. And i just wished." But some people are lucky that those people never go. So they actually came back to them. I want to do things differently. Cause i don't like to think common. I'm always think the opposite of others. And i'm always up with my thoughts. That is why i want to do something different in life. I cried for people around me. I always do. Their stories all of them touched my heart. And every single story is stored right in my brain. I could even write bibliography on them. Really i can. I cried while talking to DRfbr. I did. I don't fake. Somehow i cried because i care. Cause i never did once looked down on you. And maybe, i'm too shock to actually accept the changes in you.. Maybe i'll adapt. But i beg you to keep that motivator alive in me. At least just that will do.
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