I used to be a brave person who could go up to someone i like and just tell that person that i liked him. But experience teach me to respect my own pride. Experiences teach me that i should respect my own self. I should treasure my own self rather than this feeling. I'm a human like anybody else. And i don't deserve to sell away my pride. Yes. I get paranoid sometimes whenever you tweet something. I'm always thinking, "Do you know about it already?" I'm always thinking, "What if you're referring to me? " I'm always thinking, "Who is it that made you say that?" I'm paranoid. My self-esteem is low. I'm afraid you'd know. Because i'm afraid to loose you. You're the best person to entertain me all the time. I can't go on without my entertainer. You're no where near picture perfect or a prince charming. Cause you're an imperfect adventure for me. To me, i'd rather hear you insult me and show your hatred towards me then be paranoid over things. It hurts 10 times even more being paranoid.


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