"On a rainy day when the clouds are dark. Always remember there is a light hiding behind it. In other words, after every downs you have, there's always a time when you'll climb back up. God is fair."
Hello there. I have now come up with a new way for me to write my thoughts here. A picture and a caption. Might not be new to some of you. But to me yes. I love to write things after i observe them. So i guess this is a better way for me to express myself.
Just like how I just did CPR on my blog to help my blog survive back. Before any happy stories i would like to share, let me say a few words about the recent earthquake in Japan. Well I don't read up much about it. I just listen and watch the news. But, dear Japan, Please be strong. God is fair. Sometimes, have you ever sit there wondering why such a thing happen? For me, i still seek the answer to this question. But from what i observe, I'm not trying to make a conclusion, cause whatever lies beneath all this, only God has the answer, I'm just saying what i observe. If you observe closely enough, when things like this happens, the world gets together as one. Helping each other out no matter of race, language, religion, countries, money, resources and past. Those who used to be your enemy gave some sympathy and lend a helping hand. Which is what makes the world closer to one another. However there are some circumstances where you could find who your true enemies are in such crisis. I shall stop at this point. But to end it all, I hope God save Japan. As humans, we could only pray for the best. But God plans it all. If you're human, you heart should be out for Japan. If you're not, no words could make you move.
Okay now for the good stories. I am officially an enrolled New Media student at Republic Polytechnic. Yes, I am. Now let's relate to the caption. If anyone is reading this knows that when i was in Woodlands Secondary School i was a retained student, and if you're down because you're not doing well, [however i doubt anyone would be reading this ^^,] let me tell you my fair share of story. Relating to the caption again, being retained is my downs in life. Having to hold a reputation as a student councillor. I shall agree that I may be the first or may be not the first person to create history in Woodlands Secondary School as a retained student council. Well to think about it, it's quite embarrassing when a student councillor who is known to be the core of the school is actually doing very very poorly in her studies. Pretty much not the core of the school right? But this serves as a lesson to future youths out there. When you're in the position where people calls you the core of the school, it's a no joke when your reputation goes down the drain. Well anyway, don't think that when you go down the drain, you can't climb back up. Because as long as you are breathing in this world, you still have the chance to get back up. And it's okay to fall when you're at the earliest stage. But it gets much more painful when you're high up. So here i am, after i make a struggle to climb back up. Standing on the grounds of Republic Polytechnic doing my registration. I am delighted. I have to say that one year is worth my effort. And what i worked my butts off for last year is the product of it today. To put it simple, never give up and keep climbing no matter how long it takes for you to climb back up.
NEXT ! I AM OFFICIALLY NIGHT SAFARI STAFF! Yes. Yes. Yes. I am so loving this job. And the environment is so nice. The people there are awesome! However the atmosphere when I'm around is kind of cold. Maybe because I'm new. But i hope you guys would treat me well :) thank you
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