Hello! I'm back from my raya visit and now I'm tired although i visited only two homes. Oh well, i feel a little upset that there's slashing going on in Singapore these days. Thanks to the slashing, mum won't allow me to go out with my friends. Oh come on, give me a break already please? I spent horrible 5 years in Woodlands Secondary School , and FINALLY I've completed my O-levels, all that is left is the results..hmm..Oh well, what to do, I'm overly loved by my parents.

Let's see what have i been doing?
Wake up at 11AM, Clean anything i can, Comp all the way till 1AM, Novel till 3-4AM, Sleep, wake up at 11AM next morning.
What a bore huh?

Well, i kind of have no mood to type anything a lot today.
So bye ! :)


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