Today had chemistry paper. Oh it is okayh? Nothing that cracks my brain? And what i learnt EXACTLY this morning, came out! Lucky eh? ^^,
SO, as i was doing, i realised classmate is looking around. He, unfortunately sits next to me.
Distracted lah jugak. Dalam hati i say, "e'eh dikni. dah pandai sangat ke? cepat nah abis? padan lah bley tahan top student dalam class." pehh dah aku puji dierh melambung.
a few minutes later in between papers, again, i was distracted by him who is looking around.
At the end of the paper, YA ALLAH, baru aku tau, rupe rupernye dierh tak buat banyak!
So i guess i took back my words. Classmate classmate. Eish Eish Eish.
So todayh im happy. Cause i only stayed at school for 2 hours and home-d! I've been enjoying studying late at night and waking up late for school and leaving school early ^^, why can't school hours be like this? HEEE HEEE also early this morning, since mr Navin Babu is taking the bus at my busstop today, i decided to wait for him. However i could understand that he is rather slow. So i left him and took the bus :) After i board the bus, i spotted someone running towards the bus. UNFORTUNATELY the bus drive drove off! MAHAHA! See Babu! I'm faster than you! and now, that is what i call rhyme ^^


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