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See that? Yes i am now OFFICIALLY a graduant of band. After all my five years in the band, i finally get the title, GRADUATED SENIOR! YAY! No more band for me :) No more being chased by Band TIC :) BTW, i did not expect that it would reflect, SECTIONAL LEADER in my cert :) I can't believe my teachers actually REMEMBERED i use to be ONE :) Does this go into my report? If it does, THANK YOU!
This thing? Hafizhan is so jealous of it. I know fizhan, bare with it :) Ask your NCC juniors to buy it for you! Nyeheh! Well this Doraemon, is my POP gift from my Flute section juniors! I am indeed very touched by this. I did not ask for it, a big one it is. A small token is appreciated and i sure did not expect you people to spend this much of money to buy me this gigantic doraemon for me. It is hugable as you guys can see it took the heigt of my book shelf. I would remember this day for sure. Sure enough again, i did not expect Yee Ting, Natasha to cry. And Jocelyn and Sahana almost cried but they are very strong juniors of mine :) I was very very touched by what they wrote to me on on the board that is taken home by Cynthia. Pfft. Lol. I will miss my section, no doubt. In fact, Dominic broke the Flute trend by becoming the first Male junior and followed by Chun How, Wee Kiat and now, Kam Yuan. To my two sec one juniors, eventhough i only spent a few sessions with you two, i still appreciate all those memories. Kam Yuan, a very energetic boy that has a bright future only that he needs to understand why he is in band :) Yee Ting, My very JELLY-like junior :) You made me laugh with all your JELLY-ness although i always put on a fierce face but inside, i did enjoy teaching you :) And to the rest of my juniors, you guys go do me and cynthia proud. Achieve what we are suppose to. And don't get upset if others insult you. You know yourself better than anyone else. Last and not least, My dear juniors, it has been a wonderful year being with you guys, scolding and laughing out all the jokes that made me laugh. Thank you for today :) I know Dominic and Natasha would take care of the section very well :) I hope you people succeed in achieving a GOLD for our band! JIA YOU! GAMBATTE!Well, i can't believe i wrote that long for my juniors :) the FAREWELL CEREMONY was okay. I enjoyed some part. The food? Hmm. Idk I was too full with enjoyment seeing how sad my juniors were when saying farewell to me and Cynthia. No. I'm not being saddistic. I'm just happy that they cried their contents out while saying farewell, cause that means one thing, they will miss us when we no longer are in the band :)NUR SYAFIQ ADI BIN SAMSURI IS COMING BACK TODAY :) can't wait. I wonder if he's in the flight now? TALK TO HIM SOOOOON!
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