I'm drizzling
But my Sun is coming out
And when the water from the rain, meets the light of the sun,
They produce, RAINBOW
And thats what i'm feeling now
I feel a rainbow in me
Ookay i'm back to myself
Tho its fake, i'll still smile
I have to go through everything
Doesn't matter if it's a small problem or a big one
I will, and i mean it, endure everything
I'll go through life the way it was set to be
I'll follow the flow of the river
But paddle my way through
When there's a storm
I'd hold out my umbrella
I'll hold on tight to my boat
If my boat capsized
I'll climb back up and start paddling again
And if i get lost
I'll find my way thru
And if my compass broke
I'll follow the sun
One day
I'll end up somewhere
And it should be a wonderful but painful trip
From where i start
There's somewhere i would end
And i hope
That somewhere
Is better than where i am
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