Back with my second post today.
I was talking with SN and my ladyBF. SN agreed to be my bisnes partner. HAHA. Aku tau SN baik. Oh btw, SN wants to sell herself and sell her first hand puke at our Bshop. Anybody want to buy? LOL.
So gyea.
We've decided to sell our stuff and also some people's stuff on our Bshop. It's second hand tho. We are selling them at half price.
So this is how we have dealed on,
If the item sold is someone else's, not mine nor SN,
60% of the sale price goes to the previous owner of the item.
40% of the balance of the sale price will be divided between me and SN.
So if anyone is interested in selling your stuff at our Bshop, please do talk to either me or SN.
And for those who doesn't have anything to sell, do support us when we launch our Bshop


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