I wonder, what if ?

Nice ayeh the dress?

I was running round the net, surfing some stuff.
And this two pictures just made me wonder.
Sorry for the disgust in the second picture.
But it just made me wonder.
I found these two pictures interesting.
And they were found in some fashion sites.
Now if you were to think,
Like the second picture,
Wouldn't it be great for people like me,
Who i shall admit,
Are obese and let's use the word Fat.
It's not really a bad word or insulting to use those word.
It's a fact that i do accept.
So back to what i was wondering.
If only i was born in the year 1600,
Where people take obesity and fatness as an ideal bodyshape.
People like me would be "loved" by others.
Gyea, i used "" on that word,
For a reason.
So yeah..
While viewing all the fashion in the website,
I was wondering to myself.
What if i were to be a very pretty slim lady right now.
Well i ain't gonna use the term "If i were BORN......"
Cause ACTUAL FACT states and shows that,
So there are chances of sliming right?
I'm working on it.
But it does takes times.
Yes people, You feel WOW-ED
When there is a girl, a fat girl, after two or three years, she slimmed down.
Well i've been wondering how they do it.
I was again wondering, what if, i were that girl.
Then again and again,
I wonder,
What if i were pretty and slim now..
Will there be a lot of insult like what i'm used too?
Will there be a lot of people looking down at me?
Will there be a lot of people giving me opportunities to shine?
How about just wondering for now aye?
Wth. I think positive.
Maybe i wasn't fated to enjoy my teenage life,
Like how i've been viewing others blog.
Yes i do envy.
I envy all the people in my links list.
Looking at others pictures going out,
Hanging around with all their bestKAKIs.
Where pretty clothes that fits into them.
Where clothes of different style and fashion.
Yes people, it makes me jealous.
Like SN, she have her Pit people.
She hangs around with them.
Share every joke and tears every week with them.
Like Miss S, Miss M, Miss F and their cliques..
They were always out wearing all sorts of fashion and style.
Not to say i don't have anyone to hang out with.
I do ekk.
Mind you people.
I have my Mr FHC, Mr HBK, Mr AH, And all my MR's.
Well that's all folks.
I wonder...
So see you when i see you people !


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